The Olive Tree

The Olive Tree

Dean Adner
$ 30 
Miejsce wyd.:
Olive Tree Publishing House
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The Olive Tree is a collection of short stories that teach simple lessons for young learners. To be happy and satisfied, it is important to know the Lord. Only our Creator can make us complete. To understand the Creation, we first need to get to know the Creator. Paula and her siblings, Leigh and Marc, are learning about the Creation and Gospel stories. Paula's parents and grandparents are helping the children discover the love of God. They are also learning how the Gospel can touch their hearts and change their lives. All to help the children become caring, patient , and understanding even in difficult situations. The Olive Tree is a perfect gift for young children learning about faith. It makes a perfect First Communion gift. The book has sections to include photos, my memories, wishes/blessings and notes. Powyższy opis pochodzi od wydawcy.

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